CE Clouds CE Clouds

Hire the Best Offshore QA Specialists

Hiring developers is hard.... But it doesn't have to be.
Let us do the hard work for you.

Average Hiring time - 2 weeks

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Zero risk trials, no set-up cost


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UK Client Case Study Video

I have not worked with anyone from the Philippines before but we found the quality of the candidates and the quality of our staff to be really, really high.

- James Stringer, CleanLink Software

Beyond Effective

Our vibrant offices keep our employees productive, engaged and positive at work.


Beyond Offshoring

Build your top-notch QA team in the Philippines. Gain access to the best architects, programmers, engineers, and consultants.

Hundreds of companies trust Cloud Employee to build their offshore development teams. We offer custom recruitment, direct management, and full client support.

As seen on

The Times
Venture Beat
City AM
Tech City News

Find Your Developer

Work with top-notch candidates, zero-risk trials available!


Beyond Simple

Beyond Benefit

View Eddy's CV


Junior QA Specialist
2 years of experience

Proficient in various manual testing approaches including regression, functional, smoke, integration, system testing. Knowledgeable in various automat. . .

View Eddy's CV

Hire Developers

Why Hire Offshore QA Specialists with Cloud Employee

  • Access to the best tech talent in the Philippines
  • End-to-end Client Control from custom-recruitment to direct developer management
  • 100% Dedicated Developers working at the same time-zone
  • Full Client Support with our After Care Team
  • Savings of up to 65% or more

Beyond Value

AVG Cost

UK Developer

£40 per hour

AVG Cost

Cloud Employee Developer

£16 per hour

Clients save on average £60,000 per annum

Beyond Expectations

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How many hours do you want the developer to dedicate to working with you?

What skillsets are you looking to hire?

When do you need your developer to start ?