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UK Client Case Study Video

I have not worked with anyone from the Philippines before but we found the quality of the candidates and the quality of our staff to be really, really high.

- James Stringer, CleanLink Software

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Beyond Offshoring

Cloud Employee is the UK’s leading outsourcing provider of the best MEAN Stack Developers offshore. We connect companies like yours to the Philippines’ massive developer community so you can handpick the MEAN Stack expert you want on your team conveniently fast.

When it comes to remote mobile app and web development, more than a hundred start-ups and tech firms choose Cloud Employee for a fast, innovative, and hassle-free offshoring experience.

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View MacDonald's CV


Mid-level MEAN Stack Developer
10 years of experience

Passionate, innovative, creative and a proven team player Front end Developer and has over a years building, developing and managing websites, appli. . .

View MacDonald's CV
View Andrew's CV


MEAN Stack Developer
6 years of experience

He have a professional experience with Angular JS, 2, 4 and 5. Proficient in developing browsed-based applications using tools such as HTML, CSS, Java. . .

View Andrew's CV
View Jefferson's CV


Senior MEAN Stack Developer
14 years of experience

Jefferson is a  full stack developer with more than a years experience in project initiation up to project maintenance and closing, working with inter. . .

View Jefferson's CV
View Carlo's CV

Carlo A.

Junior MEAN Stack Developer
5 years of experience

Carlo Albert is a rock star Javscript/Front end developer who loves to create elegant, optimized & functional websites. He has deep love & pas. . .

View Carlo's CV
View MacDonald's CV


Mid-level MEAN Stack Developers
10 years of experience

Passionate, innovative, creative and a proven team player Front end Developer and has over a years building, developing and managing websites, appli. . .

View MacDonald's CV

Hire Developers

How much is the usual rate for MEAN Stack Developers? 

Here’s a quick comparison of a MEAN Stack developer’s salary and hourly rates from three different countries. All salaries and hourly rates are based on IT Jobs Watch and Neuvoo.


     Average MEAN Stack Developer Annual Salary       Average MEAN Stack Developer Hourly Rate   
   United Kingdom    GBP 50,000 GBP 40.31
   United States USD 120,000 USD 61.54
   Canada CAD 156,000 CAD 80
   Australia AUD 110,000 AUD 56.41


To cut down on operation and recruitment costs, many startups and large tech firms opt to outsource their software development by hiring from reliable IT outsourcing providers.


At Cloud Employee, we understand the increasing need for businesses to find alternative solutions to quickly and easily expand operations. To make IT outsourcing in the UK and around the world more accessible and convenient, we offer offshore MEAN Stack developers for hire through competitive industry rates and in as fast as two weeks.


To give you an idea on average offshore rates, here’s a helpful guide on offshore developer rates from different outsourcing regions.

What interview techniques should you use to hire the best MEAN Stack developers?

When you hire skilled MEAN Stack developers, remember that the interview aims to measure a candidate’s expertise within a limited time and not to intimidate the candidate with challenging tests.


As such, here are some recommended interview methods and questions that recruiters can apply or ask to sort out the best MEAN Stack developers.


Ask them to describe the structure of their recent project
Test your candidate’s expertise by asking them to describe their most recent project. If needed, they may use a piece of paper or whiteboard to further illustrate their project. With this, you can determine two things.


First, employers can immediately verify if a candidate is indeed knowledgeable and experienced with software development and the MEAN stack. Having them present a project also demonstrates what other skills a candidate can offer aside from what is written in their CV such as good communication and leadership skills. In addition, you can also check the level of involvement and commitment of developers who can clearly explain their project in detail.


Second, you can tell whether a developer can clearly communicate a technical concept. Can a non-technical person easily understand what has been discussed? Check on non-verbal cues as well such as a confident posture and maintained eye contact to evaluate the developer’s softs skills such as confidence and public speaking. If you are looking for a lead MEAN Stack developer, the ability to discuss technical concepts to a non-IT person is a must-have skill.


Conduct technical tests
Unfortunately, very few companies actually conduct technical tests during their recruitment process. To fully evaluate what a MEAN Stack developer can do, you may conduct online programming tests. These tests can also give you an idea on the candidate’s level of critical thinking. Hire a developer who doesn’t only knows how to code, but also knows how to solve.


If you can’t conduct a technical test, ask the candidate to show a sample code instead. With an average of 5-10 lines of code (two or three sample codes), you’re able to tell whether a candidate knows what he or she is doing.


Here are a few sample challenges that you can ask your candidate to code.


Q: Can you give a simple Gulp setup for running the build tool task JSHint against all the JavaScript files in a local src/scripts/folder.


var gulp = require('gulp'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'), // JSHint
stylish = require('jshint-stylish'), // JSHint reporter
JS_PATH = "src/scripts/";

gulp.task('lint', function() {
return gulp.src([JS_PATH + '**/*.js'])


Q: Protractor is an end-to-end testing tool for AngularJS that uses Jasmine for the testing interface and an instance of a Selenium server to control browsers. It needs a spec file and a configuration file to run. Can you write a sample spec file in the standard Jasmine format? 


describe('Protractor demo', function() {
it('should add one and two', function() {

// Load the URL in a browser

// Simulate keyboard activity

// Simulate a click of a form submit button

// Test the visual result is what is expected


Q: What command should you use to update NPM to a new version in Node.js?


$ sudo npm install npm -g
/usr/bin/npm -> /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
npm@2.7.1 /usr/lib/node_modules/npm

How can Cloud Employee help you?

As the fastest-growing UK-managed IT offshore partner, Cloud Employee specialises in providing expert web, mobile, and software developers to startups, SMEs and large firms in the UK and across the globe. We help businesses to flexibly scale their operations and offer more products or services by quickly and easily hiring offshore MEAN Stack developers. With Cloud Employee, hiring MEAN Stack developers have become more efficient and cost-effective without the risks and hassle.


To start hiring MEAN Stack developers, you may send us your position requirements such as the necessary technical skills and background, number of positions to be filled, years of experience, and other necessary job requirements. Our dedicated recruitment team will then scout for skilled and available MEAN Stack developer who match your criteria. We then forward a shortlist of candidates and from this list, you personally choose the developers whom you want to move on for an interview and technical testing. Our flexible recruitment process ensures that no hiring will be made until you are satisfied with your chosen candidate.


Upon hiring, your offshore MEAN Stack developer will directly report to you during the same work hours as yours. Cloud Employee will also provide your offshore MEAN Stack developer with the necessary equipment and software based on your technical requirements, as well as a fast internet connection here at our modern offices.


As your dedicated offshore partner, Cloud Employee will also handle all general admin and back-office tasks such as HR, payroll, taxes, and general admin. This allows you and your offshore MEAN Stack developer to focus on developing your project.


Finding the right MEAN stack developer for hire can help you create various websites and apps for your business. With Cloud Employee, you can hire offshore MEAN Stack developers who are also skilled in JavaScript, MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js, React, GraphQL, webpack, Babel, Karma, Mocha, Jasmine, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JSON, XML, REST, Bootstrap, jQuery, Yeoman, Gulp, Bower, Grunt, npm,

What is the dedicated hiring model?

The Dedicated Hiring Model enables teams to seamlessly work with their offshore developer by directly working with him or her. This further reduces miscommunication on both sides and allows the offshore MEAN Stack developer to become part of the in-house team’s methodologies and infrastructure.


Due to the model’s flexibility, the dedicated hiring model is considered the best engagement model. In-house teams can easily request additional offshore developers, equipment and other resources at any given time during the project’s development. The model enables in-house teams to easily scale up or scale down.


In addition, paying your MEAN Stack developer is made simpler and easier as clients would only have to pay a single sum of money which already includes the offshore developer’s monthly salary and the offshore provider’s service fee.




  • Recommended for long-term projects with changing or undefined project scope and specifications
  • Foreseeable budget despite an undefined project scope
  • Clients have full control and knowledge over the hiring process and management of their offshore team
  • Product quality can be ensured as clients can monitor and assess the application’s development
  • The offshore developer gains an understanding of the in-house team’s goals, standards and expectations 
  • The offshore team exclusively works for you




  • Can be impractical if little to no tasks are given for the offshore team
  • Can be tedious for clients who don’t have enough time to directly work or communicate with their offshore MEAN Stack developer


The dedicated hiring model is highly recommended for startups or businesses that:


  • Prefer to work with a dedicated MEAN Stack developer for their project
  • Prefer to cut down on expenses specifically in terms of the recruitment and hiring process
  • Need a flexible and scalable offshore team especially during the project’s development


At Cloud Employee, your dedicated MEAN Stack developer works exclusively for you during the same time zone. This means both in-house and offshore teams can work together during the same time, thus further reducing any inconveniences and miscommunication. Your offshore MEAN Stack developer or team can also use your required equipment, software, and tools, further enabling them to be an efficient and effective extension of your in-house team.


Integrating the dedicated hiring model’s structure and Cloud Employee’s 20 years of experience in the IT outsourcing industry, our team offers a unique and effective business model. Our dedicated developer model has simplified the recruitment process, made working practices more flexible and efficient, and bridged the gap between the local and offshore teams—all for an affordable industry rate. As such, Cloud Employee believes our business model works better than IT outsourcing.

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