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I have not worked with anyone from the Philippines before but we found the quality of the candidates and the quality of our staff to be really, really high.

- James Stringer, CleanLink Software

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Cloud Employee is the UK’s leading outsourcing provider of the best Objective-C Developers offshore. We connect companies like yours to the Philippines’ massive developer community so you can handpick the Objective-C expert you want on your team conveniently fast.

When it comes to remote mobile app and web development, more than a hundred start-ups and tech firms choose Cloud Employee for a fast, innovative, and hassle-free offshoring experience.

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View Fernando's CV

Fernando J.

Mid-level Objective-C Developer
6 years of experience

Fernando has over a years of experience in Software Development and 2 years as Instructor. Proficient in development using C#, ASP.Net MVC and WebAPI,. . .

View Fernando's CV
View Jorge's CV

Jorge L.

Objective-C Developer
6 years of experience

Over a years of total working experience. An IT professional with solid .NET development experience both with web and desktop applications development. . .

View Jorge's CV
View Maria's CV

Maria C.

Junior Objective-C Developer
5 years of experience

Familiarity with multi-threading Knowledgeable in using web development tools (Visual Studio) and creating responsive web applications. Knowledgea. . .

View Maria's CV
View Lorenzo's CV


Senior Objective-C Developer
12 years of experience

Experienced development from conceptualization and design to testing and deployment. Has 7 years experience on MVC (MVC 4.5 and Core 2.0) - 8/10 in. . .

View Lorenzo's CV
View Fernando's CV

Fernando J.

Mid-level Objective-C Developers
6 years of experience

Fernando has over a years of experience in Software Development and 2 years as Instructor. Proficient in development using C#, ASP.Net MVC and WebAPI,. . .

View Fernando's CV

Hire Developers

How much is the usual rate for Objective-C developers?

Illustrated below is a comparative table of the average annual and hourly local rates of Objective-C developers from four different countries. All information about annual and hourly rates are based on Payscale.


     Average Objective-C Developer's Annual Salary       Average Objective-C Developer's Hourly Rate   
   United Kingdom    GBP 73,586 GBP 60
   United States USD 164,884 USD 80
   Canada CAD 131,274 CAD 50
   Australia AUD 145,644 AUD 89


To be more cost efficient on operations and the recruitment process, a multitude of start-ups and established tech companies are utilising the services offered by IT outsourcing providers.


Here at Cloud Employee, we understand the need for businesses to find alternative solutions that reduce costs and time while expanding their operations. To make IT outsourcing in the United Kingdom and across the world more available, we offer competitive industry rates for hiring the best offshore Objective-C developers in the quickest amount of time possible.


For more information about outsourcing developers for your next software projects, here’s a blog about offshore developer rates.

What interview techniques should you use to hire the best Objective-C developers?

Before hiring the best Objective-C developers, it’s important to note that the goal of the interview is to gauge the possible candidate’s ability and understanding within a limited time.


Here are some suggested interview questions and techniques that you can ask or apply to determine the best Objective-C candidate for you and your project.


Ask them to describe the structure of their recent project

It’s important to ask the candidates to describe their recent project in detail. With this method, you can ascertain two things.


First, you can confirm the candidates’ level of expertise in the development process and their mastery of the programming language. This shows other skills that the candidates offer aside from what is listed or mentioned in their resume. One thing to pay attention to is how much the candidates’ are able to discuss their project in detail as this can indicate the level of their involvement and commitment to the project.


Second, this shows you how well the candidate can present and explain a technical concept. Gauge the demonstration of the candidate based on how understandable it is from a layman’s point of view. Also, note it is also important to pay attention to their non-verbal cues throughout their demonstration. Evaluate the candidate’s soft skills such as eye contact, body language, posture, and hand gestures to determine the level of confidence and how comfortable are they to public speaking. This is essential if you are specifically looking for a lead Objective-C developer; the ability to be an effective communicator and explain concepts to a non-technical audience is a very important skill.


Conduct Technical Tests

Technical tests are highly suggested as it helps to fully determine what the Objective-C developer can do. Let them take online programming tests as these technical assessments give an idea of the candidate’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s important to be thorough with your interviews; don’t just hire a candidate that only knows the know-how at face value. Instead, hire someone who knows how to assess, think, and solve.


Here are some sample questions and challenges that you can ask your candidate.


Q: Name four important data types found in Objective-C.


NSString: Represents a string.

CG float: Represents a floating point value.

NSInteger: Represents an integer.

BOOL: Represents a boolean.


Q: What is the purpose of managed object context (NSManagedObjectContext) in Objective-C and how does it work?

A: Managed object context exists for three reasons: life-cycle management, notifications, and concurrency. It allows the developer to fetch an object from a persistent store and make the necessary modifications before deciding whether to discard or commit the changes back to the persistent store. The managed object context tracks these changes and allows the developer to undo and redo changes.


Q: Find the bug in the Objective-C code below. Explain your answer.

@interface HelloWorldController : UIViewController 
@property (strong, nonatomic) UILabel *alert;  
@implementation HelloWorldController  
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    CGRect frame = CGRectMake(150, 150, 150, 50);
    self.alert = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
    self.alert.text = @"Hello...";
    [self.view addSubview:self.alert];
       dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
          self.alert.text = @"World";

A: All UI updates must be performed in the main thread. The global dispatch queue does not guarantee that the alert text will be displayed on the UI. As a best practice, it is necessary to specify any updates to the UI occur on the main thread, as in the fixed code below:

   dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        self.alert.text = @"World";

Q: You’ve just been alerted that your new app is prone to crashing. What do you do?

A: This classic interview question is designed to see how well your prospective Objective-C developer can solve problems. What you’re looking for is a general methodology for isolating a bug and their ability to troubleshoot issues like sudden crashes or freezing. In general, when something goes wrong within an app, a standard approach might look something similar to this:

  • Determine the iOS version and the model of the device.
  • Gather enough information to reproduce the issue.
  • If possible, acquire the device logs.
  • Once you have an idea as to the nature of the issue, acquire tooling or create a unit test and begin debugging.


A great answer would include all of the above, with specific examples of debugging tools, and a firm grasp of software debugging theory—knowledge on what to do with compile-time errors, run-time errors, and logical errors. The one answer you don’t want to hear is the haphazard approach—visually scanning through hundreds of lines of code until the error is found. When it comes to debugging software, a methodical approach is a must.


Q: What needs to be modified in order to correctly manage memory when compiled with ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)?

- (void)printFontCopyright {
CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateWithName(CFSTR(“Helvetica”), 12, NULL);
NSStrong *fontName = CTFontCopyName(font, kCTFontCopyrightNameKey);
NSLog (@”%@”, fontName);

A: Line 2 should be replaced with: 

NSString *fontName
= CFBridgingRelease (CTFontCopyName(font, kCTFontCopyrightNameKey));

How can Cloud Employee help you? 

As a UK-managed IT outsourcing firm, Cloud Employee connects tech companies to the best Objective-C developers from the Philippines. We help businesses like yours find and hire offshore Objective-C developers with our simple, fast, and risk-free processes.


Simply reach out to one of our account managers and send your IT staff requirements. Our dedicated recruitment team then scouts for your ideal Objective-C developer and sends you a list of qualified candidates. From this list, you personally handpick whom you want to move forward for an interview and technical testing. After evaluating the candidates, you choose which Objective-C developer will board your team.


Once hired, your offshore Objective-C developer will exclusively work for you and your team. They work during your business hours and under your standards, making them an extension of your US, UK, or Australian team.


Our services do not stop after recruitment. We provide your Objective-C developer with full daily IT support, clean and comfortable workspaces, and modern facilities. Cloud Employee also handles HR, payroll, licensing, general admin, and back-office tasks so you can prioritise your company’s growth.


Your skilled offshore Objective-C developer can help you create Apple-platform projects for your business. With Cloud Employee, you can hire offshore Objective-C developers with a broad range of skill sets including C, iOS, Swift, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, Xcode, APNs integration, and other related technologies.

What is the dedicated hiring model?

The Dedicated Hiring Model allows clients to have close control over the hiring process. It assimilates the dedicated offshore team you selected with your existing in-house developers, essentially reducing the likelihood of any miscommunication and allowing the offshore Objective-C development team to become a part of the project’s infrastructure and design.


Because of its flexible nature, it’s considered as one of the best engagement models. With this model, you and your team can request for tech talents, resources and types of equipment at any given time corresponding to the current requirements of the project. The Dedicated Hiring Model allows the in-house team to scale up or down with relative ease.


Another important thing to note is that the payment method is made simpler and easier for you; you would only have to pay once and this fee already includes the offshore team member’s monthly salary and the outsourcing provider’s service fee.



  • Perfect for long-term projects, especially those with constantly changing project scope and undefined specifications.
  • Predictable budget despite an indefinite project scope.
  • You will have full knowledge and control over the whole process of recruitment, candidate selection, and management of the offshore team.
  • Product quality can be monitored, assessed and guaranteed.
  • The offshore team gains a more in-depth understanding of your objectives, goals, standards, and expectations.
  • The offshore team exclusively works for you throughout the project scope.


The Dedicated Hiring Model is perfect for businesses that:

  • Prefer to work with dedicated Objective-C developers for their project.
  • Prefer to reduce expenses in terms of talent search and recruitment process.
  • Require flexibility in a team’s workload and scalability, especially during the project’s development.


At Cloud Employee, your dedicated team of Objective-C developers works exclusively for you and mirrors your working hours. This means that both you and the offshore team can work together at the same time, and in turn, reduce any miscommunication issues and foreseeable inconveniences. Your offshore Objective-C developers' team can also use your preferred software, tools, and standards, making them a more effective and efficient part of your team.


Combining the Dedicated Hiring Model and Cloud Employee’s extensive experience in the IT outsourcing industry, our team came up with a business model that is truly unique and effective. This business model has simplified the recruitment process, made working practices more flexible, and bridged the gap between in-house and offshore teams—all for a competitive industry rate. Thus, Cloud Employee believes our business model works better than any of its IT outsourcing competitors.

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