It is true to state that Artificial Intelligence is not just a concept anymore but much more than that. It is powering one sizable percentage of business based initiatives already. It is in your current marketing tools, digital ads, analytics and customer service based platforms. It also depends on your smartphone to some extent!
Recent studies have shown that around 63% of the people are using AI actively nowadays. They don’t even realize that they are using it. It is because AI will not look like any expected robotic feature. Instead, it is actually working in the system’s background for making the processes a lot faster, accurate and more efficient than before. You can actually ask a web developer or a programmer on how this AI works.
Learning about the value of AI:
Artificial Intelligence is stated to be a computer science branch, which will be involving in making of human-like intelligence in terms of machines. Ai is able to perform all those things, which will otherwise need human intervention. Some examples are pattern recognition, decision making, creative endeavors and more.
- You cannot state AI to be similar to machine learning. It mainly refers to algorithms, whose performance level will involve improvements when exposed to more information. But, you can link up AI and Machine Learning.
- With some data points incorporated, AI is now able to write any news based article for your company, can start identifying objects in pictures and even choose wining stocks for you.
- Startups, according to Eric Dalius, will find some major new applications for the AI, which will be successful in 2021 and will bring study of AI to a completely new height.
Areas of AI application in businesses:
You have always thought of ways in which you can use AI for your startup ventures. Right from workflow management to the trend predictions, you can use AI for almost anything associated with your business. Let’s learn about it more.
- Use AI for improving advertising and marketing. It can help to track down the user behavior effectively and will automate multiple routine based marketing tasks now.
- You can also get the chance to manage and then analyze data. AI will be here to integrate and even mine data in an efficient manner and offering meaningful insights into brands, assets and customer staff.
- Predict behavior with the help of ML algorithm. It is used for analyzing patterns of online behavior. You can use this algorithm to serve tailored product offering, detecting credit card fraud and even target some proper adverts.
- Use AI applications for determining when you might have to reach the targeted performance goal. Responding to help desk calls is one such example to follow in here.
- You are always asked to use the anomaly detection techniques, which will use to identify patterns, which can also disrupt the business. For example, you have IT outage. Some of the specified AI software will help you to deter security intrusions after detecting the same.
- Increase the manufacturing output and even efficiency with the help of AI. For example, automate the production line now by adding industrial robot to the workflow and also teaching them to perform any mundane or labor intensive task.
- Use AI for optimizing logistics. Take help of the AI based image recognition tool and use the same for monitoring and optimizing infrastructure, planning the transport routes and more.
- Automate workloads. It means you can try to collect and then analyze the data from using the ML algorithms or the smart sensors. It helps to categorize work, and route the service requests automatically.
- Improve customer services. It means you get to use virtual assistant programs, which will offer that real time support to the users in here. So, you can use the power of AI for completing billing and similar other tasks.
Using the power of AI in e-commerce:
By just allowing the e-commerce firms to check out customer behavior, and search history, AI is helping the startup firms to drive in more sales. Nowadays, companies are using the power of chat bots for interacting and handling customer based queries, handling and the managing customer data, recommending products, which are relevant to customer search and also focusing on invent tory management. You can improve the current decision making with chat bots too.
Some companies are using AI for improving the after-sale service and CRM practices as well. In these sections, AI can be used for making that strong presence within this domain. There are some fraud detection companies available, which are currently utilizing anomaly detection technology for keeping eye on such transactions, for example. To be able to professionally spot the legit AI, you may hire someone who is an expert on this field such as a web developer or programmer.
The popular types for you:
So, according to Eric J Dalius, before you venture into the world of AI for the startup firms, it is mandatory to learn a little bit more about the types of Ai that can be used for your business. So, let’s get to the popular options first.
- You have ML or Machine Learning. It will create algorithms for defining any goal and then allowing the machine to learn ways to reach the same.
- You can also focus on the supervised machine learning, which will conduct categorization and then regression, depending on set of output and input data.
- DL or Deep Learning is another important type of Ai used in startup venture. This is one subset of the machine learning and it will be layering various algorithms within the hierarchy. Each one will be offering different data interpretation as being fed through.
- You can focus on NLP or Natural Language Processing. It will actually involve processing and manipulation of natural based language data, mainly text and speech.
Go through all the possible types first and then you can determine on the right Ai practice to choose for your business. The more you research, the better examples you will come across to learn more about this practice. So, get to the details of these AI types first.
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