
Let's start with the fundamentals before going into the details that distinguish a CV.


When you're looking for a job, whether you're unemployed or working, you desire a change.


In general, you desire a greater wage, a better title, a better company, a better career, and so on.




That is why, first and foremost, you must consider what you have to give. 


Before reading guidelines on how to create the ideal CV, sending DMs left and right, and applying everywhere, think about the value you can bring to your dream company or role.


6 Ways to Stand Out on Your CV




1. Make recruiters aware of your goals. 


We save a lot of time if you tell us what kind of job you're looking for on your profile.


Please let us know in your profile if you used to be a Mobile Developer and are now looking for JavaScript Jobs.


2. Your CV/Profile may be read by people who aren't technically inclined. 


Create a profile that shows the recruiter what you're capable of.


Consider the following scenario: you're a backend developer looking for work that requires both Node and Express, but your CV only mentions Express.


It's possible that the recruiter doesn't fully comprehend the relationship between Express and Node.


To be safe, it's probably ideal if you mention Node in your profile.


3. Don't make any false statements. 



Your GitHub profile should be reliable and factual.


It's a red flag if you say you enjoy working on open-source projects in your spare time yet your profile displays nothing.


Additionally, claiming 10 years of familiarity with a technology that has only been around for eight years is a red flag.


Don’t forget to update your LinkedIn Profile as well for reference purposes only. 


4. While it's fine to simplify your CV, don't go overboard. 


Instead of describing yourself as a Software Developer or Engineer, you could say you're a Native Mobile Developer with experience in Kotlin, Swift, and Android.


Be clear about what you're worth.


5. The rest of your CV/Profile should be kept on topic, except your bio, where you can tell us your story. 


Do not include details where they will not help.


Please refrain from adding any irrelevant details.


We'd like to know about the issues you experienced, the solutions you proposed, why they succeeded, and the technology you utilized to solve them. 


We hope that these five pointers have helped you understand how to make a CV stand out.


Wishing you the best of success in your job search!


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Millie Sarcos
Lead Headhunter
Work with world leading tech companies from the Philippines

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